{:en}The History{:}{:en}History{:}


The-look-and-the-pupilIn recent years, changes in the international scenario have broadened the Institute’s sphere of interest, which, in addition to its traditional activities of research, study and promotion of Mediterranean tradition and culture in the world, has taken a growing interest in international issues in general, specifically, the transition processes under way in Central and Eastern European countries, the main issues related to the process of globalization of markets and European integration.

Throughout its history, the Institute has contributed to the growth in Calabria of a greater understanding of extranational realities and in the rest of the world of Mediterranean culture and tradition, acting as a stimulus and mediator, for and between political forces and civil society, for the maintenance of a debate on foreign policy and international cooperation.


The-look-and-the-pupilIn recent years, changes in the international scenario have broadened the Institute’s sphere of interest.

In addition to its traditional activities of research, study and promotion of Mediterranean tradition and culture in the world, the Institute has become increasingly interested in international issues in general, specifically, the transition processes underway in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the main issues related to the process of market globalization and European integration.

In the course of its history, the Institute has contributed to the growth in Calabria of a greater knowledge of extranational realities and in the rest of the world of Mediterranean culture and tradition, acting as a stimulus and mediator, for and between political forces and civil society, for the maintenance of a debate on foreign policy and international cooperation.

