The AimsThe AimsLas finalidades


The overall objective is to internationally support social, cultural, economic growth and ’employment impact, through actions aimed at the qualification of labor that give foundation and perspective to the goal of the knowledge society, and that of equal opportunities for access and permanence of the local and regional system of education, training and labor, facilitated by the integration of markets and the creation of common spaces. In this sense, IsCaPI provides training and information services by basing its structure on networks, existing or in the process of being structured, both regional and international, also aimed at the promotion of territorial development in the community and international spheres as well as the competitiveness of training and labor.

Therefore, IsCaPI works in order to propose Calabria as a center of excellence in international education and, at the same time, to create opportunities for young people, especially those with higher education degrees, supporting policies to counter emigration, to prevent the educational investment made in the South from being dispersed off-site with the effect of an impoverishment of the very resources that could contribute most to the recovery of the gap with the rest of the country.

Therefore, a structured program aimed at employment interventions becomes crucial: an organic project of actions directed at raising the quality of the ‘social environment and enhancing the talents of the new generations. In addition, educational action is ensured, coordinated and monitored by university professors and experts at the national and international levels, who provide annual planning supported by the educational offices and research laboratories involved. In addition to this, one of the special features of ISCaPI is in fact the young age of its staff and managers, who are fully aware of the needs of the younger generation.

The overall objective is to support at an international level the social, cultural, economic and the impact on employment, through actions to the qualification of the work that will give the foundation and objective perspective of the knowledge society, and to equal opportunities access and permanence of the system, local and regional education, training and work, facilitated by the integration of markets and the creation of public spaces. In this sense, ISCaPI provides services training and information basing its structure on the network, existing or in the process of structuring, both regional and international, also aimed at the promotion of territorial development in EU and international competitiveness as well as training and employment .

Therefore, IsCaPI work in order to propose Calabria as a center of excellence in international education and, simultaneously, to create opportunities for young people, especially those in possession of higher education qualifications, supporting policies to combat migration, to prevent the training investment made in the South be lost out of the office with the effect of depletion of the very resources that could better contribute to the recovery of the gap with the rest of the country. It is therefore crucial, a structured program aimed at interventions for employment: an organic plan of actions to raise the quality of the ‘social environment and to enhance the talents of the younger generation.

The training also is provided, coordinated and controlled by academics and experts nationally and internationally, which ensure the preparation of an annual plan supported by educational offices and research laboratories involved. In addition, one of the peculiarities of IsCaPI is in fact the young age of its employees and managers, fully aware of the needs of future generations.

El objetivo general es apoyar en livel internacional el crecimientosocial, cultural, económico y el impacto en el empleo, a través de acciones dirigidas a la cualificación del trabajo que dan fundamento y punto de vista objetivo de la sociedad del conocimiento, y para la igualdad de oportunidades el acceso y la permanencia del sistema regional y local de la educación, la formación y el trabajo, facilitado por la integración del mercado y la creación de zonas comunes. En este sentido, IsCaPI ofrece servicios de formación e información que basa su estructura en redes, existentes o en proceso de estructuración, tanto regionales como internacionales, también destinado a promover el desarrollo territorial dentro el marco de la UE y internacional, así como la competitividad en la educacion y del trabajo. Por lo tanto, IsCaPI trabaja con el fin de proponer la Calabria como un centro de excelencia en la educación internacional y, al mismo tiempo, para crear oportunidades para los jóvenes, especialmente los que están en posesión de títulos de educación superior, el apoyo a las políticas de lucha contra la emigración a prevenir la inversión en formación realizada en el Sur perderse fuera de la oficina con el efecto de agotamiento de los mismos recursos que podrían contribuir más a la recuperación de la brecha con el resto del país. Por tanto, es entendito crucial un programa estructurado y destinado a las intervenciones para el empleo: un proyecto orgánico de acciones para mejorar la calidad de ‘entorno social y para mejorar el talento de las nuevas generaciones. La capacitación también está garantizada, coordinada y controlada por académicos y expertos a nivel nacional y internacional, que prevé la elaboración de una oficina de planificación anual con el apoyo de laboratorios docentes y de investigación implicados. Más allá de eso, una de las peculiaridades de iscapi es, de hecho, la corta edad de sus empleados y directivos, perfectamente consciente de las necesidades de las nuevas generaciones